2022 Minutes

Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: December 13, 2022, General Meeting 4:00 pm (Location: Alexander Valley Room) 

General Meeting 

Meeting Commenced: 1601

  1. Opportunity Based Drawing
    1. Can Buy Tickets at door
      1. Cash or Venmo 
    2. Winner Picked
  2. Introduction of new board members
  3. Club Hours for Honor Cords
    1. Due Dec. 20, 2022 at 11:59pm sharp!
    2. Seniors will be notified in January if you are eligible for the honor cord.
      1. Will receive an email from [email protected] 
    3. Will be using google forms this year
      1. Email will be sent out with the link to the form 
    4. Email [email protected] if you have any questions, or if you did any events not listed on the form that you have questions about. 
  4. Holiday Cookies 

Meeting Adjourned: 1614

Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: November 8, 2022, General Meeting 4:00 pm (Location: Alexander Valley Room) 

Meeting commenced: 1602

General Meeting Agenda

  1. Elections
    • Explanation that voting will be done via email to all of the dues paying members
      • Google form will be sent out after the meeting (eligibility to vote: be in one committee and be a paid dues member)
        1. Due this Friday by 11:59 pm
      • Treasurer, Communications Directors, Volunteer, Merchandize, Fundraising, Pre-Nursing Liaison are still available
        1. There will be an option on the Google form for you to place your name if you are interested in any of these positions
      • Serve positions from fall to fall 
    • Introductions of the candidates 
    • Speeches
      • Julie: president
      • Taylor: president 
      • Avery: vice president 
      • Lauren: secretary/webmaster
      • Greta: mentorship director  
  2. Convention Recap
    • Learned a lot from panelists, hands-on training 
    • Great way to learn about other nursing specialities
    • Networking with people from other programs 
  3. Pre-Nursing Q&A Night
    • Tuesday Nov 15th from 7-8:30 PM on zoom
    • There will be current juniors and seniors in the program who will be there to answer any questions that you may all have
    • Talk about their experiences applying 
  4. Pre-Nursing Mentorship
    • Scan QR code and Natalie will send email with survey to pair Pre-Nursing students with current students in the program 
  5. Basket Raffle Fundraiser
    • Last fundraiser of the semester 
    • Basket has SSU merch and other goodies 
    • Purchase tickets ($2) each; pay via cash or venmo to Awood572
    • Winner will be announced at the last meeting of the semester 
    • Contact Danielle Reyes for questions 
  6. Hours
    • Natalie will send an email with directions on how to report hours
    • Need 35 hours total to get a graduation cord (includes meeting, events, committee meeting hours, etc)
      • Head of each committee will contact each person 
    • VP keeps track every semester 
    • You get a lot of hours if you go to convention too!
  7. Committees:
    • Guest speaker, merchandise, fundraising, state convention planning
  8. Guest speaker: Jamie Lawson
    • NICU nurse and SSU alum
    • Graduated in 2017 from SSU’s nursing program then got hired in the Sutter NICU in July of 2017 and has been working there ever since
    • Got a preceptorship in Sutter NICU; got her job from the preceptorship 
    • Loves the aspect of teaching patients how to take care of their babies
    • She recommends starting right away if a speciality after graduating if you are interested in a specialty because then you are getting better at it from the beginning 
    • Had 3 months of orientation
      • They did not take their preceptorship into consideration
    • Cross training: postpartum, L&D high risk deliveries 
    • 2 ½ years till she started to feel comfortable
      • Tips on how to feel comfortable: time; you have to make mistakes to get better (never going to make that mistake again); remember you’re always learning 

Meeting adjourned: 1650

Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: October 11, 2022, General Meeting 4:00 pm (Location: Alexander Valley Room)

Meeting commenced: 1601

General Meeting

  • Committees
    • Required to join at least one if you are an active member 
    • Can join more than one 
  • Alexis – Dues
    • Pay only once a year
    • She can take them today or via venmo
    • They are due today!!!
  • Elections
    • Introduce the positions
      • Each board member talked about their position duties 
    • Go over what the requirements are for the positions
      • Must be a nursing student – president, VP, treasurer
      • Pre-nursing liaison must be pre-nursing student 
      • If you are running, please let us know if you are graduating this spring 
    • Announce the election, happening in November Meeting
      • There will be an interest form that will be emailed tonight for members to fill out if interested
  • Upcoming volunteer events:
    • Blood drive:
      • On campus 
      • Sign-ups coming up soon 
      • November 2nd
    • Redwood empire food bank
      • Headcount for food drive: 25
      • November 19th
  • Nursing department 50th anniversary:
    • May 8th from 11-1:30
    • Student center ballroom A
    • Need student volunteers to help with set-up and takedown; you can also attend the event too!
    • Email Jordan if interested ([email protected])
  • Grey Gardner
    • Guest Speaker/ Intro to Emergency Nursing 
    • Flight nursing: 2 sides – EMS or out of hospital/transport
      • 24 hour shifts, work 7 days a month
    • State expert for the BRN: they contact you about legal cases about nurses (usually towards the end of the case is when they talk to you about it and ask you if you as a nurse would do the same thing as that nurse in the case and you write a whole report/paper about it and it is sent to court)
      • You may have to go to court 
    • Electrophysiology: ablation, pacemakers
    • Cath lab: very routine and repetitive job; where you have a blockage in coronary artery and open it up, balloons, stent 
    • ICU: focus on only 1-2 patients; huge benefit if you want to do ER!! (lots of crossover between them!!)
    • Crossing training is usually pretty easy; 

Meeting adjourned: 1645

Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: September 13, 2022, General Member Meeting 4:00 pm Salazar 2025

General Meeting Agenda

Meeting Commenced: 1600


  1. Intro
    • Natalie talked about what we do; then the board introduced themselves
      • Board Introductions
        • Name, What year you are, Transfer/SSU Native, Nursing Specialty Interest 
    • Then we had all the members introduce themselves
  2. Club dues
    • Alexis went over when dues are due (OCTOBER 11 MEETING), how to pay (venmo Alexis @awood572), how much ($5 for CNSA members, $10 for non-CNSA members)
    • Remember to say your CLASS too when you give her your dues
  3. CNSA – California Nursing Student Association
    • Local chapter that offers a lot of additional opportunities for education and networking
    • Part of NSNA
    • Message Dr. Napoli for info 
    • One year membership is $42 and two-year membership is $80
  4. General Overview of what we do as a club
    • Volunteer Opportunities
      • Blood Drives – Anastasia Wong will provide dates to decide on
        • November 2nd; signs up will come out in October 
      • Campus Clean Ups 
      • Redwood Empire Food Bank
        • Around thanksgiving time
        • No limit for the number of volunteers 
      • Opportunity to earn hours towards a graduation cord (need 30 hours total by graduation for a cord)
    • CNSA Convention Oct 14-16
      • 3 day event 
      • Our club sponsors people to go to it (meaning that the club pays for your flight, registration, hotel)
      • Pre-nursing students can go! Don’t need to be a nursing major!
      • We have 5-6 spots left!! Email [email protected] by Friday 9/16 at 9 AM if you want to go!
      • You can go Friday-Sunday or Saturday-Sunday if you can’t miss Friday clinical (nursing students)
    • Merchandise
      • Jackets are around $36-$37; $16 T-shirt, $17 tote bag (great for clinical! has a zipper and nice quality)
      • Deadline to order is September 15th!
      • Ask us for the google link to order if you are interested! The link is also in our Instagram bio 
    • Upcoming meetings
      • 10/11 in Alexander Valley Room, 11/8 in Salazar 2025, 12/13 in Alexander Valley Room
    • Nursing Networking
      • New Grad Speaker Nights
      • Guest Speaker Nights
    • Q & A Nights
      • Pre-Nursing and Students interested in nursing are able to ask nursing students questions 

Meeting Adjourned: 1650

Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: May 10, 2022, General Member Meeting and Picnic, 12:00 pm 

Meeting commenced: 1200

General Meeting

  1. This is the last meeting of the semester
    • Next semester: meetings will be held every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4 PM (but this time is still tentative)
    • Announcement: for the incoming junior class, look out for the Mentor-Mentee meet up event 
  2. We have set up a little picnic for you to enjoy some snacks between classes and talk a bit with the officers and other members about the program
  3. Bingo Board Fundraiser – Alexis
    • We raised $1,034.60 from the Bingo Board Fundraiser! Thank you everyone who participated! 
    • 3 Prize winners who made over $100: Alyssa Nguyen, Visa Huston, and Ashley Portillo 
    • Hand out prizes/tumblers
      1. We handed them all out to the winners. They were all present at the meeting
  4. Reminder about hours log!
    • Keep track of your own hours
    • Email your hour log to Natalie Roberts at [email protected] by MAY 23!!
    • Reminder: need to attend 2 meetings per semester for the honor cord 
  5. Email election for the Volunteer Coordinator position
    • Give a blurb about yourself if you are interested in the position and email it to Natalie or Jordan
    • Email vote will be conducted 
  6. Some things to look out for next semester:
    • General meetings will be held on Tuesdays at 4 pm for the most part unless otherwise noted
      • Tentative time; can possibly work around this because some students voiced that they have class around at around 4 
    • If you are entering into the program, be on the lookout for emails pertaining to your mentor mentee program
    • During your orientation on May 23, some of us will be there to answer any questions you may have, and also we will be sending out a survey to see which type of Sonoma State Nursing merchandise you would like
    • There will be a CNSA Conference tentatively for Oct 14-Oct 16! There will be more information next semester for those interested.
  7. Other than that, thank you all for attending our meetings, being active members in the club, and expressing an interest in nursing, a profession we all love. We hope the semester ends well for you and can’t wait to see you all in the Fall. 

Meeting adjourned: 1215

Picnic Social end time: 1240

Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda/Minutes April 12, 2022, In-Person General Meeting/Pizza Social in Alexander Valley Room (Student Center), 12:00 pm

Meeting commenced: 1215

General Meeting

  1. Pay dues at the door if you have not paid them yet
  2. Pizza Social
  3. Introduction of the board 
  4. Bingo board fundraiser 
    1. $1,530 if everyone here (34 people) fills up the board
    2. Can help with paying conferences, cords, events, and can also fund committees and merchandise 
    3. Alexis airdropped it to everyone
    4. Instructions:
      1. Post the bingo board to social media story 
      2. Someone would message you letting you know how much they want to donate 
      3. Post an updated board on your story with their name on the amount they donated to give credit to them 
    5. Instructions are also emailed out to everyone
  5. Clothing drive for AXID sorority:
    1. Can get club hours if you donate; also get hours for tabling (more info will be sent out via email)
    2. Partnership between our club and AXID sorority
  6. Presented the merchandise
    1. Crewnecks, hoodies, quarter zips, jackets, vests, tote bags
  7. Mingle and ask current nursing students any questions you may have

Meeting adjourned: 1245

Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: March 15, 2022, Zoom General Meeting, 6:00 pm

General Link 6 pm: https://SonomaState.zoom.us/j/87565509310

Meeting commenced: 1803

General Meeting

  1. Introduction of all the board 
  2. Tabeling/Blood Drive on April 13, 10-3 pm in the rec center
    1. Vitalant Blood Drive Volunteer Sign-Up
  3. Immunization Pop-Up March 26, 9-1pm, email Deborah Roberts
    1. For nursing students; a way for you to earn hours towards the club too
    2. Email Deborah if you are interested 
  4. Committees
    1. Send your email to Natalie so that she can add you to the email list for the club and you will be sent the form to sign up for a committee
    2. Form to sign up for a committee is also on the website: sansa.org (under the “Files & Links” tab
    3. You need to join at least one to be an active member and to earn a cord 
  5. Club dues
    1. Pay once a school year
    2. Just $10, but can be lowered down to $5 if you’re a CNSA member 
    3. Can venmo your dues to Alexis 
  6. Fundraiser
    1. Bingo board fundraiser 
    2. Will be posted on the club facebook page; ppl can also post on any of their social media platforms 
    3. Each board is worth $45 
  7. Mentorship
    1. Emily sent out a reminder to the current students to fill out the form by this Friday (March 18th) if they are interested in serving as a mentor for an incoming junior nursing student 
    2. For the incoming junior nursing students, their due date to have their form done by is April 1st 
  8. Honor cords
    1. All members will receive an email about the requirements for how to earn one 
  9. Fundraising director speech given by Danielle Reyes 
    1. Board will vote and Danielle will be notified in the next few days if she got the position 
  10. Dr. Napoli announcement about CNSA
    1. Gives ppl a lot of great info; and a way for students to learn more about nursing 
    2. Teach a lot about nursing leadership 
    3. Pre-nursing students can also join 
    4. Network with nursing professionals at conferences 
    5. Dr. Napoli’s email if you have any questions: [email protected]
  11. How we want to pivot as a club
    1. Want to pivot to more social/mixer events (student center on April 12th at noon; pizza event; hang out and talk about the program, ask nursing students questions, etc
    2. Want to make meetings more fun and social 🙂
  12. What to be on the lookout for
    1. Emails
    2. Tabling events/sign ups
    3. Beach Clean Up dates 
    4. Bingo Board Fundraiser
    5. Hub Events/ socials
    6. Guest Speaker nights/New Grad Speaker night/ Q&A night
      1. We sent out a poll to everyone at the meeting to fill out that has dates for ppl to choose that works the best for them 
    7. Keep eyes open after spring break

Meeting adjourned: 1830

Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: February 15, 2022, Zoom General Meeting, 6:00 pm

General Meeting:

Meeting commenced: 1807

  1. Welcome back to a new semester
    • Board member introductions 
  2. Club website:
    • The zoom link is not updated because the website was just recently fixed but it will be updated prior to each meeting 
  3. Committees:
    • New Grad Speaker Night
      • For the seniors mainly to find out about life after graduation 
    • Break Through to Nursing Committee
      • Starting this new position for Fall 2022 
      • Position to provide outreach, get out into the community and go to high schools, elementary schools, and more  
      • This semester: bridging the gap between nursing students and Pre-Nursing students 
    • Merchandise Committee
      • Let Carolina know about possible websites for selling merch  
      • Members can also send her ideas for merch 
      • Alexis idea: hospital tote bags 
    • Volunteer Committee
      • Let Elizabeth know about any volunteer events 
    • Fundraising Committee
      • Lobos, Dine and Donate, and more  
      • Let Alexis know about some fundraising ideas
        • Alexis ideas so far: bingo board, hospital tote bags  
    • Mentorship
      • Social events, study rooms, crafts we can all do together 
  4. Tabling dates/ Volunteer opportunities
    • LoboFest (Feb. 22)
      • Sign up on a doc that will be shared if you want to help table 
      • Senior nursing students and other students who are not in the Junior nursing class can possibly help set up since Juniors are in class 
    • Via Heart Project (SRJC 7:45 am – 3:30 pm Feb. 27)
      • Nursing Students
      • Sign up sheet on Facebook page 
    • North Bay Discovery Day Moved
      • Moved to May 15, Right before finals, probably not going to go. 
  5. Possibility of hybrid meetings
    • Thinking to change the meeting time to an earlier time like closer to when class gets out since we’re all on campus still and also offer a hybrid option for those who commute/can’t make it in person  
    • We are still discussing this as a board though, not finalized yet
  6. Rachel announcements about changes
    • Changed our honor cord policy
      • Have to be in a committee 
    • Created committees to help with planning events and for the cord policy  
    • Leadership cord: only for those who have been on the board 
  7. Alexis: current club balance is $3,752.54; cash account is $251
  8. Look out for… (these will be sent through student emails)
    • Expectations about the club doc
    • Sign up sheets 
    • Committee sign up sheet 
    • Eligibility for honor cord and leadership cord 

Meeting adjourned: 1834