2024 Minutes

Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: February 6th, General Meeting 5:00 pm (Location: Salazar 1027) 

General Meeting


  1. New board member introductions 
  2. Volunteer opportunities
    1. Redwood Empire Food Bank on Saturday, February 10th from 9am-12pm in Santa Rosa
      1. You will need to fill out a new waiver each time, even if you have participated in this event before
    2. North Bay Science Discovery Day-Handwashing Demonstration on March 9th 10am-4pm
    3. Vitalant Blood Drive on April 16th 10am to 1:30pm
    4. May event TBD
  3. Volunteer Hours
    1. 35 hours before the spring break of your senior year→ honors cord at graduation
    2. Vice president, Karley Zootis, will keep track of hours but you should also track your own
  4. Associated Students Guest Speaker on Elections
  5. Fundraising Events
    1. Bingo Board 2/7-2/8  
    2. Dine and Donate:
      1. Panda Express on March 12th 5pm-10pm
      2. Chipotle on April 8th 5pm-9pm
    3. SSU gear war on May 7th, 5-6pm (during meeting)
      1. Donated/Used in good condition SSU gear 
  6. National Convention
    1. April 3-7 
    2. Location: Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort Lake Buena Vista in Florida
    3. Email vice president if interested 
  7. Questions
    1. New grad speakers next meeting 


Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: March 5th, General Meeting 5:00 pm (Location: Salazar 1027) 

General Meeting


  1. Crossword Puzzle
  2. Chick-fil-a 
  3. NSA dues
    1. Please contact Ashley Portillo  
    2. $10, if member of CNSA $5
  4. Thank you to everyone who participated in the February event at Redwood Empire Food Bank. We packaged 14,587 pounds of sweet potatoes, enough for 12,156 meals
  5. North Bay Science Discovery day
    1. March 9th, 2024 
    2. 9am-12:30pm morning shift, 12:30pm-4pm afternoon shift
  6. Panda Express Dine and Donate @ Rohnert Park location
    1. March 12th, 5-10pm
    2. Board members will be there between 5 and 6pm to answer any questions about SSU’s nursing program
  7. Speaker→TSGT Cody Lawyer, Air Force Recruiter–Nursing opportunities 


Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: April 2nd, General Meeting 5:00 pm (Location: Salazar 1027) 

General Meeting

5:03 pm

Fundraising updates 

  • Raised $265 for the club
  • SSUs 4th Annual Giving Day
    • 24 hour online Fundraiser on April 4th, 2024
    • Select Student Nurses Association to contribute to SSNSA
  • Chipotle Dine and Donate
    • Monday April 8th from 5-9pm @ the Rohnert Park location
    • Show flier when placing order
  • Still collecting used SSU merchandise in good condition for May Fundraiser

Volunteer Opportunities for April/May

  • Blood drive tabling
    • April 8th and 10th, 12-2pm
    • Tabling in Seawolf Plaza to promote the blood drive and fill appointment slots
  • Vitalant blood drive
    • Tuesday April 16th, 2023, 10am-2pm
    • Assist with checking people in for their appointments 
  • SSU Decision Day
    • Saturday April 20th, 2024, 11am-3pm
    • Answer questions and provide information to students and parents considering SSU
  • Expanding your Horizons
    • Saturday, April 20, 2024, 8:30am-2pm
    • Handwashing activity, Discuss nursing as a career option for 7th and 8th grade girls, and promote women in STEM
  • Luis Cid Balderas Memorial–Howarth Park Clean Up
    • Howarth Park in Santa Rosa on May 4th, 2024 from 9am-12pm
  • Voting: To use money from club for flyers for the blood drive by Kristine
    • All voted yes

Special Election 

  • Merchandise Coordinator for Fall 2024 ONLY
  • This position is responsible for designing and coordinating merchandise production and sales. 
  • Regular elections will be held at the end of the Fall Semester as usual 
  • If you are interested please email [email protected] with your name, why you are interested in the position, and a photo (if you’re comfortable)


Adriana Lovegood, Public Health Nurse 

Emily Lovegood, NICU Nurse

Pre-Nursing Q&A after meeting


Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: May 7th, General Meeting 5:00 pm (Location: Salazar 1027) 

General Meeting



  • Merchandise
    • All merchandise is here!
    • Please reach out if you may need your order shipped and did not indicate that on your order form. [email protected] 
  • Fundraising Results
    • Giving Day- $15
    • Chipotle- $165
  • Volunteer Events
    • Blood Drive
      • A HUGE thank you to everyone that participated in the Blood Drive!
      • 25 units of blood donated!
    • The Luis Balderas Memorial Cleanup was canceled due to the weather conditions. 
    • Volunteers for Senior Pinning Ceremony
      • Volunteering includes setting up chairs, and helping with decorations on Thursday May 16th from 5-7, or Friday May 17th helping with ushering and playing the slideshow during the ceremony from 5-8pm
  • 2024 California NSA Convention
    • Will be held in Santa Clara from November 22-24
    • We will be looking to get a headcount for attendance over the summer.
    • Please check emails for coordination!
  • Fall Events Form
    • Over the summer we will be sending out a form to get club members input on meetings and events they are interested in for the fall.
    • Your feedback is appreciated 
  • Mentor/Mentee Questionnaire
    • Current and incoming juniors will receive a questionnaire to help pair you with your mentor/mentee for next year!
    • Please submit if you have not already.
  • Merchandise Coordinator Election
    • Special election will be sent out with tonight’s recap email. Please submit your vote for the Fall merchandise coordinator by this SUNDAY MAY 12th by 5PM. Thank you!
  • Speaker– Medical Surgical Nurse 
  • Good luck with finals and have a great summer!


Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: August 27th, General Meeting 4:00 pm (Location: Salazar 2014) 

General Meeting


  1. Introductions/Welcome back!
  2. What is SSNSA?
    1. We are a California Student Nurse Association (CNSA) Chapter at SSU
    2. Joining is a great way to get involved in the community and on-campus, meet those currently in the program, and make new friends 
    3. Participate in volunteer events and fundraisers, mentor pre-nursing students, and listen to guest speakers
    4. Build your resume, network, and become a board member 
  3. Dues
    1. Are collected once a school year and are required to be an active member in the club.
    2. Dues are $10 or $5 is you are a CNSA member
    3. Dues can be sent to our treasurer, Ashley Portillo
    4. Please send dues by September 18th!
  4. Swirl Time Fundraiser 8/27/24
    1. Mention SSNSA and 20% of your purchase goes to the nursing club 
    2. Mentor-mentee meetup after general meeting (5-6pm)
  5. Upcoming meetings and volunteer events
    1. September 17th 4-5pm in Salazar 2014
    2. September 7th at Olive Park Clean up 
    3. October 8th 4-5pm Alexander Valley Room
    4. October 22nd Vitalant Blood Drive
    5. November 12th 4-5pm Alexander Valley Room
    6. November 16th Redwood Empire Food Bank
    7. December 3rd 4-5pm Alexander Valley Room
  6. CNSA Convention 11/22-11/24
    1. Held in Santa Clara 
    2. Event includes hands-on training, networking, presentations, and more!
    3. SSNSA goal is to cover the convention registration fee. Additional costs include hotel and travel 
    4. Fill out interest form, Final Deadline September 17th
  1. Follow our socials
    1. Instagram: ssunursingclub
    2. Facebook: Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 
    3. Website: www.ssnsa.org 
  2. Questions
    1. Pre-nursing Liaison 
    2. [email protected] 
  1. SSU nursing senior class speakers 


Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: September 17th, General Meeting 4:00 pm (Location: Cooperage 2)

General Meeting


  • Important Reminders
    • CNSA convention papers due today
    • Club Dues will be accepted until tomorrow 9/18
  • Fundraising Events
    • August- Swirl Time
      • We raised $60, Thank you to everyone who attended!
    • September- Mountain Mike’s Pizza
      • Thursday September 19th 11am-9pm
      • Mention SSNSA and 20% of your order goes to our club
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • September- Park Clean up
      • Thank you to everyone that attended the Olive park clean up!
    • October 15- Blood Drive Tabling Day 1
      • Table in Seawolf Plaza to spread the word and pass out fliers (2 hours)
    • October 16- Blood Drive Tabling Day 2
      • Table in Seawolf Plaza to spread the word and pass out fliers (2 hours)
    • October 22- Blood Drive
      • Earn hours by assisting with donor check in (max 4 hours)
  • Fall Merchandise
    • Voting begins today and will close by 9/24
    • Link to google form will be emailed in the recap email
  • Questions
  • Charm making activity!


Sonoma State Nursing Student Association 

Agenda: October 8th, General Meeting 4:00 pm (Location: Alexander Valley Room)

General Meeting


  1. Diane B- Sigma Theta Tau Lambda Gamma
  1. Volunteer Opportunities
    1. Vitalant Blood Drive
      1. October 15th and 16th: 11am to 1pm
        1. Tabling in Seawolf Plaza to spread the word and handout fliers 
      2. October 22nd: 9am to 2pm
        1. Assist with setup and donor check in
        2. Receive 1 hour if you refer someone 
  2. October Dine and Donate
    1. Chipotle
      1. Tuesday October 8th, 5-9pm
      2. 3325 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park
    2. Chick-fil-a
      1. Tuesday October 29th, 5-8pm
      2. 5080 Redwood Dr. Rohnert Park
  3. Fall Merchandise
    1. Link for merchandise will be in the recap email
    2. Submit order by 10/18
  4. New Board Elections!
    1. President*+
    2. Vice President*
    3. Treasurer*+
    4. Mentorship Coordinator*
    5. Secretary/Website Coordinator
    6. Communications Director
    7. Volunteer Coordinator
    8. Merchandise Coordinator
    9. Fundraising Coordinator
    10. Pre-Nursing Liaison**
  • * = Must be a Nursing Student in good standing
  • ** = Preferred Pre-Nursing student in good standing 
  • + = Required to sign up for CNSA/NSNA membership
  • Positions are a 1 year commitment (Fall-Fall)
  • Submissions due by October 22nd
  1. Guest Speaker: Natalie Roberts, Pediatric RN at Stanford Children’s Hospital