2025 Minutes
Sonoma State Nursing Student Association
Agenda: February 4, General Meeting 5:00 pm (Location: Salazar 1027)
General Meeting
Meeting start: 1702
New Board Introductions
- Name, year, major, etc.
Semester Dues
- Non-CNSA member? $10 per academic year
- CNSA members get a 50% discount and pay $5 per academic year
- All payments can be made to Darah Pectol (Venmo or cash)
CNSA membership
- $42 for one year
- Opportunities for networking and building soft nursing skills
SSNSA Honor Cords
- Eligible for a SSNSA honor cord if you’ve volunteered for at least 35 hours
- Eligible for a leadership cord if you serve on the board
Volunteer Opportunity: SSNSA Blood Drive on Wednesday February 12
- 10 AM-2:15 PM
- $20 gift card for donors
- tabling sign up sheet
- donor sign up sheet
Volunteer Opportunity: North Bay Science Discovery Day
- March 8th from 10AM-4PM at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa
- Sign ups will be sent out soon!
Fundraising Opportunity: Panda Express
- February 11th from 4PM-9PM
- 20% of event sales donated
- Address: 431 Rohnert Park Expy
Merchandise Update Survey
- Google form survey to rate favorite designs
Icebreaker Activity: Jeopardy!!!
Meeting end: 1750