2017 Minutes
January 25th, 2017 meeting minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 10:05 am
No snack provided
I. Old Business:
Thank you to previous officers.
II. Officer Reports:
- Treasurer’s report: bank account balance: total balance TBA
- Any news or updates from other officers: Devin: honor cord hours, Natalie: add new members to email list.
III: Advisor Report:
- Any news or updates from Rachel Napoli
- Expanding Your Horizons Event: To take place at Santa Rosa Junior College on April first. Middle school students will attend to play games to learn about different health care professions. Sign up for volunteer opportunities, need 6-8 volunteers.
- Seawolf decision day is the same weekend as nursing conference need volunteers. Need two pre-nursing students and two nursing students to speak with students interested in the programs and the volunteers will work in two hour intervals.
The Pantry:
- Rachel is waiting on nomination to join the committee as the faculty advisor for the pantry. (The pantry a resource where students can receive items they need such as shampoo or other items).
IV: New Business:
CNSA/NSNA Membership:
- Join NSNA at https://nsnamembership.org/
- All students can join and become involved! Membership is recommended.
- Geek Week: March –We need a representative from the nursing club to go to planning meetings each week up until Geek Week – first meeting is Jan. 29th: meetings are every Tuesday at 10am. Geek week is in March, date TBA.
- NSNA Convention: “Think Big: Nursing on a Global Scale” — April 5th – April 9th in Dallas, Texas. Let us know if you are interested contact the club president, need to start fundraising. Fall conference will be in Pomona. Need a headcount on who is interested in attending the conference in Texas.
- July 29th Saturday membership north CNSA convention at Sac State.
- Want to get more involved in CNSA? Go to the website to sign up for CNSA committees and email the chairs to get involved.
V: Announcements:
- Meetings are: 01/25, 02/08, 03/08, 04/12, 05/10 in the Alexander Valley Room, 2nd floor Student Center. Sign up for emails.
- Check out our website for any new updates! www.ssnsa.org
- Blood Drive on campus tomorrow 01/26 from 10 am – 3 pm in the Mt. McKinley Gym – anyone who donates gets free Six Flags tickets. Donate!
VI: Open Forum:
- Open to discussion for all members and officers.
- Fundraising ideas: Lobos, swirl time fundraiser idea, possible t-shirt sales.
Thank you and have a great day!
Nursing Club at Sonoma State University
February 8th, 2017 10:00am, Alexander Valley Room
Meeting Called to order at 10:06am
No snacks provided
I.Old Business:
- Thank you to everyone who came to the Nursing Q&A last night: Went well.
- Congratulations to the seniors who joined Sigma Theta Tau last weekend!
- Club Tabling today 11:30am-1:30pm.
II. Officer Reports:
- Treasurer’s report: bank account balance: TBA.
- Any news or updates from other officers.
III: Advisor Report:
- Any news or updates from Rachel Napoli: Not here today.
IV: New Business:
- CNSA/NSNA Membership:
- Join NSNA at https://nsnamembership.org/.
- All students can join and become involved!
- Reminder – CNSA is looking for members for committees – go to cnsa.org and get involved!
- Geek Week: Any news from our representative. Jessica: Geek week will be March 19th-25th in Darwin quad. Shirts are grey with purple lettering. Need a head count for capture the flag team, need approximately six members. Contact Jessica on the Facebook page if interested.
- NSNA Convention: “Think Big: Nursing on a Global Scale” — April 5th – April 9th in Dallas, Texas. Contact President of nursing club if interested. Need a headcount on who is interested in attending so we can start planning.
- Guest speaker: Amy Schleicher – Muscular Dystrophy Association Summer Camp volunteer opportunities: Muscular dystrophy association (MDA): funds research for these diseases. Muscle walk takes place May 6th 2017. At MDA camp kids with muscular diseases can come for a week to play games and have fun, free and no cost to the family. Need volunteers, will need help with activities of daily living, pushing wheel chairs, tub feedings, etc. Food and housing is provided for volunteers, 140 hours of volunteerism. Training is the day before the camp begins for councilors. Applications are online deadline to apply is two weeks before camp starts limited spots.
Application Information:
Northern California:
Camp Westminster Woods, 6510 Bohemian Hwy, Occidental, CA, 95465
When: July 30st – August 5th, 2017
Application Link: http://tinyurl.com/MDAVolunteerWW17
Camp Harmon, 16403 Highway 9, Boulder Creek, CA 95006
When: June 11th– June 17th, 2017
Application Link: www.tinyurl.com/MDAVolunteerCH17
Southern CA
LA/OC Summer Camp: Irvine Ranch Educational Center, Irvine CA
Dates: July 9th – July 15th
Application Link: http://www.ultracamp.com/info/sessiondetail.aspx?idCamp=521&campCode=md4&idSession=133184
San Diego Summer Camp: Camp Cuyamaca, Descanso, CA
Dates: June 25th-July 1st
For an application contact Allison Brown E: [email protected] P: (858)492-9792
If any club members have further questions, you can direct them to Amy Schleicher. [email protected] : (415) 673-7500.
V: Announcements:
- Meetings are: 01/25, 02/08, 03/08, 04/12, 05/10 in the Alexander Valley Room, 2nd floor Student Center.
- Check out our website for any new updates! www.ssnsa.org
- Our Lobo’s fundraiser will be on May 8th
- Expanding Your Horizons will be April 1st at SRJC – volunteer sheet next meeting.
- Seawolf Decision Day will be April 8th – volunteer sheet next meeting.
- St. Francis Solano American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser: On February 14th 11:15-12:45 at St. Francis Elementary in Sonoma the American heart association needs volunteers to monitor children’s heart rates monitor before and after playing games.
- Kasey: jacket sales: $60 each black wind breakers coming soon.
- Shauna: fundraisers for convention: pay $1,500 to send all members wanting to go to Texas all fees are covered. Motion passed.
VI: Open Forum:
- Open to discussion for all members and officers.
Meeting adjourned: 10:33am
Thank you and have a great day!
Nursing Club at Sonoma State University
March 8th, 2017 10:00am, Alexander Valley Room
Meeting called to order: 10:08am
No Snack Provided
I. Old Business:
- Booked the NSNA Convention: seniors attending.
- Thank you to those that volunteered to help with the Piner High presentation 02/28!
- T-shirt winners from the MDA Summer Camp: Kasey and Sophia!
II:Officer Reports:
- Treasurer’s report: bank account balance – update after NSNA Convention costs: Current club balance: $2500.
- Any news or updates from other officers: Devin-honor cords $10. Natalie: junior nursing class applications were due Feb. 28th will be paired with mentors and mentees for nursing class once new junior class is selected.
III: Advisor Report:
- Any news or updates from Rachel Napoli:
- The Pantry Update: “almost a go”, found a location to store food goods, trying to find out set time for nursing club to run it, 2 hour slots (mon ,tues, wed?), most likely would start in fall.
- May 1st nursing program orientation 4-7 pm: 2 orientations, first one will be in May, which will include those accepted and those on the waiting list. August 16th- second orientation.
IV: New Business:
- CNSA/NSNA Membership:
- Join NSNA at https://nsnamembership.org/
- All students can join and become involved!
- Reminder – CNSA is looking for members for committees – go to cnsa.org and get involved!
- Merchandise – Kasey: online jacket sales until the 17th, raised $249, for black jackets cash or check (made to Rachel).
- Geek Week: Any news from our representative-Jessica:
- 03/19 – 03/25 – Need a team – don’t have to commit to everyday: first event is dodge ball (gym on the 19th), rest of the events will be the 12-1pm in the Darwin quad. Hours go to honor cords.
- Sign up sheet
- Expanding Your Horizons – April 1st at SRJC
- We need 6-8 volunteers: help middle school students learn about health care careers.
- Signup sheet
- Seawolf Decision Day – April 8th
- Jeopardy Game
- 3 volunteers at a time
- Signup sheet: want nursing/pre-nursing students to help.
- Website Renewal: motion passed: will cost around $50.
V: Announcements:
- Meetings are: 01/25, 02/08, 03/08, 04/12, 05/10 in the Alexander Valley Room, 2nd floor Student Center.
- Check out our website for any new updates! ssnsa.org
- Our Lobo’s fundraiser will be on May 8th
VI: Open Forum:
- Open to discussion for all members and officers.
Meeting Adjourned 10:38am
Thank you and have a great day and a wonderful spring break!
Nursing Club at Sonoma State University
April 12th, 2017 10:00am, Alexander Valley Room
Meeting Called to Order: 10:05am
No snacks provided
I. Old Business:
- Thank you to everyone who participated in Geek Week – especially our Rep. Jessica: (went well).
- Thank you to everyone who has volunteered at our events recently – EYH, Seawolf Decision Day.
II. Officer Reports:
- Treasurer’s report: bank account balance- $2,905.36
- Any news or updates from other officers:
- Honor Cords – Devin: will be ordering 15 pairs $10 each (will use club funds to pay for $150 total, motion passed).
- Merchandise – Kasey- Raised over $350 with t-shirt and sweat shirt sales (Pick up from Rachel’s office), black jackets are still for sale.
III: Advisor Report:
- Any news or updates from Rachel Napoli:
- The Pantry Update.
- Littmann’s Stethoscope fundraiser idea: Company would engrave stethoscopes sold, include name clip, and fold-able clip boards in a sales package for students. Plan to have sales info at next meeting and orientation for incoming nursing class.
- Syria donations, how we can help: plan an event or find a place to leave donations: donate backpacks and baby carriers to people in need in Syria.
IV: New Business:
- CNSA/NSNA Membership:
- Join NSNA at https://nsnamembership.org/
- All students can join and become involved!
- Reminder – CNSA is looking for members for committees – go to cnsa.org and get involved!
- NSNA Convention – How was it? Shauna-delegate at convention.
- Job Link: funding opportunities – Devin: For those in Sonoma County- may be eligible for up to $5,000 to use towards tuition, books, or other school related purposes. Apply to see if you qualify.
- Relay for Life: Join Nursing Club’s team – the Coderunners: Next Friday April 21st 11am-9pm, can sign up for anytime you are available. Come to play games and educate!
- Lobo’s Fundraiser – May 8th: 5-11pm. Share the FB event and invite all your friends!
- Meeting Dates for Fall Semester: meeting times for next Fall are TBA, but a poll will be posted to pick a new time.
V: Announcements:
- Meetings are: 01/25, 02/08, 03/08, 04/12, 05/10 in the Alexander Valley Room, 2nd floor Student Center. Next meeting there will be a pot luck and a speaker.
- Check out our website for any new updates! www.ssnsa.org
VI: Open Forum:
- Open to discussion for all members and officers.
- Natalie: mentor/mentee nursing social date TBA, but will be soon.
Meeting Adjourned: 10:40am
Nursing Club at Sonoma State University
May 10th, 2017 10:00am, Alexander Valley Room
Meeting called to Order at: 10:00am.
Potluck today!
I. Old Business:
- Thank you to those of you that helped with Relay for Life: Carly and Emily.
II. Officer Reports:
- Treasurer’s report: bank account balance: TBA, Lobos fundraiser money to be added.
- Any news or updates from other officers:
- Honor Cords – Devin: came for seniors, congrats!
- Healthcare job fair – Devin: June 27th, Kaiser, Sutter, and Memorial hospital representatives will be there.
- Merchandise – Kasey: Jackets will close May 23rd
- Stethoscope fundraiser: Clipboards and engravings, ask for link from Melanie! Raise money for club.
III: Advisor Report:
- Any news or updates from Rachel Napoli
- The Pantry Update
IV: New Business:
- CNSA/NSNA Membership:
- Join NSNA at https://nsnamembership.org/
- All students can join and become involved!
- Reminder – CNSA is looking for members for committees – go to cnsa.org and get involved!
- Membership Meeting North
- July 29 (8am – 2pm) at Sacramento State
- Free to all nursing and pre-nursing students (CNSA Membership): sign up sheet!
- Sign up sheet – I’ll send you the form to RSVP
- Tabling for Summer Orientation and Big Nite: Table during summer orientation, need a couple people.
- Summer O days – 06/06, 06/08, 06/13, 06/15, 06/20, 06/22, 06/27, 06/29
- Setup 1:00, cleanup 3:00
- Big Nite 08/20:
- Time TBA: sign up.
- Summer O days – 06/06, 06/08, 06/13, 06/15, 06/20, 06/22, 06/27, 06/29
- Guest Speaker: Richard Myerscough
- Recruitment Coordinator of State Hospitals: Atascadero
- Attends CNSA conferences.
- A forensic psychiatric setting: A secure large lock down facility. Facility works as a multidisciplinary team, safety is a priority.
- Meeting Dates for Fall Semester
- They will be Wednesday’s at 2:00 pm: Meeting dates will be sent out.
V: Announcements:
- Meetings are: 01/25, 02/08, 03/08, 04/12, 05/10 in the Alexander Valley Room, 2nd floor Student Center.
- Check out our website for any new updates! www.ssnsa.org
VI: Open Forum:
- Open to discussion for all members and officers
- Natalie- social Friday May 12th!
Meeting adjourned: 10:45am
Thank you for a great semester and have a great summer!
Nursing Club at Sonoma State University
August 23rd, 2017 2:00 pm, Alexander Valley Room
Called to order: 14:05
I. Old Business:
- Membership Meeting North – updates? Thank you to those that attended! Topics discussed: leadership skills, what CNSA is about, KAPLAN/ HURST NCLEX reviews, residency programs, etc.
- Thank you to everyone who helped out at Big Nite! Welcome to new pre-nursing and nursing students!
II. Officer Reports:
- Treasurer’s report: bank account balance: TBA
- Fall Semester Dues – $5 for NSNA members, $10 for non-members
- Join NSNA $40 for a years’ membership.
- Any news or updates from other officers: Honor Cords- point restructure TBA.
III: Advisor Report:
- Any news or updates from Rachel Napoli: Sonoma Serves this semester?
IV: New Business:
- CNSA/NSNA Membership:
- Join NSNA at https://nsnamembership.org/
- All students can join and become involved!
- Reminder – CNSA is looking for members for committees – go to cnsa.org and get involved!
- CNSA Convention: Oct. 6 – 8th, Pomona CA: opportunity to learn leadership skills, let us know if you are interested.
- We need to start getting a headcount on those interested, in order to figure out how much money will need to be fund-raised.
- Discovery Day: Oct. 28th 10 am – 4 pm, Santa Rosa Fairgrounds- hand washing station for kids.
- Volunteers?
- UC Davis Pre-Health Conference: Oct.14: about all health care $30 per person. Includes speakers, panels, fairs, and workshops.
- Volunteers Around the World: looking for a team leader. Two weeks of volunteer clinical experience in another country.
- Health Foundation Event: Aug. 26th 5 – 9 pm
- Need a few volunteers to help Dr. Wilkosz: volunteers would be manning boards or walking trays around displaying items for auction. Need 3-4 volunteers.
V: Announcements:
- Meetings are: 08/23, 09,13, 10/11, 11/08, 12/06 in the Sonoma Valley Room, 2nd floor Student Center.
- Check out our website for any new updates! www.ssnsa.org
VI: Open Forum: Open to discussion for all members and officers
- Kasey: Facebook survey for new merchandise.
Meeting adjourned: 14:28
Thank you and have a great day!
Nursing Club at Sonoma State University
September 13th, 2017 2:00 pm, Sonoma Valley Room
Meeting called to order at 14:02
I. Old Business:
II.Officer Reports:
1.Treasurer’s report: bank account balance: ~$3600. Fall Semester Dues – $5 for NSNA members, $10 for non-members.
2. Any news or updates from other officers:
- Honor Cords: Devin- 30 hours required, email her if you want to know your total hours.
- Kasey- new merchandise: Vote on Facebook for new designs.
III: Advisor Report:
1.Any news or updates from Rachel Napoli:
- stethoscope fundraiser: money is coming in a few weeks.
- Nursing Topics: pre/post-surgery nursing speaker: Krista.
IV: New Business:
1.Treasurer Position:
- Need a temporary treasurer until we re-charter at the end of the fall semester
- Survey monkey vote: Maddi, Lizzie, Jessica. New treasurer will be announced soon.
2.CNSA Convention: Oct. 6 – 8th, Pomona CA
- Proposal: Nursing club funds to cover hotel costs, registration to be covered by individuals.
- Vote: motion passed.
- Delegate: Kari.
3. Sonoma Serves: October 14th
- Whole day of service, we create a team and get to volunteer in the community with other groups on campus.
4. Discovery Day: Oct. 28th 10 am – 4 pm, Santa Rosa Fairgrounds
- Volunteers?
- Science fair for elementary school children at Santa Rosa fairgrounds, use washing booth to teach proper handwashing techniques.
5. Blood Drive:
- October 26th in the McKinley Gym (Rec Center): our job will be to promote the event and hand out snacks to those who donate.
- We will be getting flyers to pass out and I will look for volunteers as soon as we get more info.
6. Potential for Bone Marrow Donor Registration Drive:
- DKMS works to register new potential bone marrow donors by hosting drives, we could partner with them to host a drive at SSU: Help with booth. Date TBA.
- We would create a team to help out at the event
V: Announcements:
1.Meetings are: 08/23, 09,13, 10/11, 11/08, 12/06 in the Sonoma Valley Room, 2nd floor Student Center.
2. Check out our website for any new updates! www.ssnsa.org
3. Lobo’s Fundraiser: Oct. 9th
- 5-11 pm; invite friends on the FB page, flyers? Proceeds go to the club.
- Jessica: Possible Home Run Pizza fundraiser, 15% of sales go to club. Customers must come with flyer for part of the sales to go to nursing club.
VI: Open Forum
1. Open to discussion for all members and officers.
Thank you and have a great day!
Meeting adjourned at 14:32
Nursing Club at Sonoma State University
November 8th, 2017 2:00 pm, Sonoma Valley Room
Meeting Called to order at 14:05
I. Old Business:
- Thank you to everyone who helped out with North Bay Discovery Day and for making it such a success!
II. Officer Reports:
- Treasurer’s report: bank account balance: TBA.
- Any news or updates from other officers.
- Next NSNA conference April 6th-8th in Nashville.
- Merchandise: Kasey has new merchandise for us! New SSU nursing vests coming soon!
- Honor Cords contact Devin to check on your volunteer hours.
III: Advisor Report:
- Any news or updates from Rachel Napoli- stethoscope fundraiser news: possible stethoscope raffle.
IV: New Business:
- Elections! Congrats to new officers!!!
- Guest Speaker: Rachel Gaynor – SSU graduate! New nurse advice.
V: Announcements:
- Meetings are: 08/23, 09,13, 11/08, 12/06 in the Sonoma Valley Room, 2nd floor Student Center.
- Check out our website for any new updates! www.ssnsa.org.
- Lobo’s Fundraiser (updated): November 9th proceeds go to the nursing club, 5-11 pm; invite friends on the FB page.
VI: Open Forum
- Open to discussion for all members and officers.
Meeting adjourned at 14:40.
Nursing Club at Sonoma State University
December 6th, 2017 2:00 pm, Sonoma Valley Room
Meeting Called to order at 14:01
I. Old Business:
- Thank you to those who brought food for the potluck.
II. Officer Reports:
- Devin: NSNA scholarship applications now open. Possible Summer externships available through: UCLA, Mayo clinic. For Honor Cords Information Contact Devin!
- Kasey: Vest sales-extended to December 31st.
- Jessica: Account balance TBA.
- Melanie: National NSNA Conference in Nashville in April, need to start fundraising, will get estimates about the cost per person.
III: Advisor Report:
- Rachel: will return in April.
IV: New Business:
- Official transitions: Welcome to the new board!!!
V: Announcements:
- First meeting of next year is January 29th at noon.
VI: Open Forum
- Open to discussion for all members and officers.
- UCSF guest speaker: Sergio Saenz: [email protected]. Spoke about graduate programs.
Meeting adjourned at 14:40.