
SSU Seawolf Decision Day (Volunteer Opportunity)

Hi all! SSU’s Seawolf Decision Day for the Fall 2025 semester is happening on April 26th! We will be tabling at this event in the Seawolf Plaza from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and answering any questions that students and families have. There will be a variety of majors with questions – pre-nursing, pre-licensure students, post-licensure students, FNP students, and other majors that are interested and wanting to get into nursing. Many of these students are transferring in and will be doing their registration on this day. 

If you are interested in getting more volunteer hours and helping answer questions on 4/26/25, please add your name and email to a slot (or slots) on the sign-up sheet: SSU Decision Day Sign-up

🍦Swirl Time Fundraiser🍦

The Sonoma State Nursing Student Association is having a Swirl Time fundraiser (located in the “Wolf Den” shopping center across the street from SSU) on April 8th to help fund our club costs, including helping support students to attend the CNSA convention in the Fall! The fundraiser is being held from 12:00 PM until 10:00 PM. We also have a club meeting on this date from 5-6 pm, and so after the meeting, SSNSA members are encouraged to go over to Swirl Time to chat and eat some yogurt. We would love it if everyone joined us during this time! This is a wonderful opportunity for pre-nursing and any students interested in nursing to connect with nursing students. It is also an opportunity for a mentor/mentee meeting for the current juniors and seniors for those available.

Before purchasing your sweet treat, make sure to either present the flyer to the employees or mention that you are there for the SSNSA fundraiser! 🍦💖 🩺


Spring merchandise for the SSNSA is available for purchase up through April 15th! We have jackets, hoodies, tote bags, and crewnecks galore! If you, a family member, or a friend want to buy some swag 😎 and rep SSNSA, you can order by clicking the link to this Google Form: SSNSA Spring Merch Order Form

Coming up in April: NMDP Volunteer Opportunity

SSNSA has been invited to help table for NMDP (National Marrow Donor Program) on April 16th and 17th! NMDP is an organization that has a stem cell registry that connects donors to people with blood cancers and disorders who need bone marrow and other hematopoietic cell transplants. The event’s goal is to educate people about the organization and encourage people to register for the stem cell registry, a worthwhile cause. Use the following link below if you would like to sign up for a tabling shift on the 16th or 17th:

NMDP Tabling Sign-up Sheet

Resume Night is just around the corner!

Join us on 3/28/25 from 5 to 6 PM on Zoom to hear from Emily Lovegood, a nurse with knowledge and experience in applying to registered nursing positions across multiple institutions! If you are interested in learning more about what goes into the new grad program application process for different hospitals and how to ensure your resume as a nurse is as concise, aesthetic, and professional as possible, you should come to this meeting (especially if you’re graduating soon!!). Bring your burning questions, concerns, and anything else you may want to ask to the Resume Night! For folks that cannot attend, the meeting will be recorded and sent out in a follow-up email.

Join the Zoom at this link: https://SonomaState.zoom.us/j/85159245306

See’s Candies Nursing Fundraiser

Hi all! The SSNSA is currently hosting a fundraiser through See’s Candies. We will be accepting orders up through April 15th. Candy can be shipped anywhere in the U.S.A., no matter the location! It’s almost Easter, so it’s a great opportunity to stock up on all the treats you need for family members, loved ones, or a sweet treat for yourself 🙂 . Use the link below to access the storefront. Happy candy shopping!

Order candy here!


Just a reminder to sign up for AT LEAST 1 committee! All active members of the SSNSA must join at least one (you’re welcome to join as many as you want!) to remain an active member of the club. It is our goal this semester and moving forward to incorporate committee meetings into our general monthly meetings so that all members may have a say in decisions that need to be made for the club. Attached below is the committee selection form:


If you’ve signed up for a committee in the past, we are asking that you do so again! Thank you!


Dues are required for club participation!

Annual payment of $10.00 (or $5.00 for CNSA members)

Pay cash at the next meeting or email Darah Pectol, our treasurer, at [email protected]